Friday, 11 November 2011

It was arranged Beautifully

A moment ago, there's this thing that crossed my mind; His plan. Wow, it's true, My plan is not Your plan, Your plan is the best.^^ Come to think of it, I came here which is far from hometown, family and everything with a purpose. Purpose of becoming a star, a star that shines its light and shoos away the darkness. So, here it is, along the mission, God does not let me walk alone. He sent lovely people to help me along the way. Wow, thank you, Lord. All these lovely people that I befriend with are those who have arrived at their destinations. Because of this, I learnt a lot from them. The way they handle things, the way they think, the way they talk etc. I can see the cloth which was plain (all of us are like plain clothes) turn to a colourful and meaningful cloth. The way they see things is different; in a mature way. Let's take an example, for us, we tend to mark bad things that happen in our lives as problems, but to them, those bad things are trials, trials that help you to be a more strong and mature-in-mind person. See, there is a difference between PROBLEMS and TRIALS. All those problems (to us) are not obstacles that can prevent us from moving forward; to be a better person. All said and done, wherever you go, there is always at least one person that will really help you along the way. So, don't be afraid to befriend with a lot of people with different characters because for sure, you will learn and discover new things; new things that will help you to be fully prepared in the future. Don't see things from one angle, but try to see it from various angles so that you will get a clear picture. ^^

Grateful me..

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